Twin Towers, Sheikh Zayed - Building C - 6th
الشيخ زايد - توين تاورز - مبني سي - الدور السادس - عياده م
Trivium Business Complex - N 90th street
التجمع الخامس - تريفيوم بيزنس - الدور الثاني - عياده 211

Physical Therapy in Egypt – Definition of Clinic Guide

What is physical therapy?

Physiotherapy is a medical profession and one of the major branches of medicine provides services to individuals in order to develop, maintain and re-maximize mobility and functional capacity throughout life. This includes the provision of services in situations where traffic is threatened by aging, injury, illness or environmental factors.
Physical therapy is concerned with identifying and improving the quality of life and mobility within the areas of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation. Physical therapy involves the interaction between physiotherapists, patients, other health professionals, families, caregivers and communities in a process where mobility and agreed goals are assessed using unique knowledge and skills for physical therapy and physiotherapy is practiced by a specialist physiotherapist.


What is a physiotherapist's job?

The physiotherapist uses the individual's history and physical examination to arrive at the diagnosis, develop a management plan and, where necessary, include the results of laboratory studies and imaging. Electrical testing (such as electrophysiological mapping and neural conduction testing) can also be used.

Physical therapy has many specialties including heart medicine, geriatric medicine, neurology, orthopedics and paediatrics. Physiotherapy is a medical specialty known early as the diagnosis and treatment of disability and disease by natural means and there is a modern definition taken by Dr.: Thela Holmes, associate professor of the curriculum of physiotherapy at the University of Florida.

Physical therapy is an art and science that contributes to the development of health and the prevention of disease through understanding the movement of the body and it works to correct and mitigate the effects of disease and injury, including methods of assessment and treatment of patients and management and supervision of medical treatment services and workers and consult other health systems and the preparation of records and reports and participate in the planning community and projects Future plans and evaluation of educational programs.


Where do physiotherapists work?

Physiotherapists work in many places, such as outpatient clinics or offices, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, extended care facilities, private homes, education, research centers, schools, nursing homes, industrial workplaces or other professional environments.
In order for the physiotherapist to provide the full service and sound scientific care of the patients, he must work on the basis of a strong level of understanding with doctors and therapists in work and social service.


Departments of physiotherapy

The faculties of physiotherapy include the following sections:

    Department of Basic Medical Sciences and Teaching Materials (Anatomy Physiology Radiology Orthopedics Tissues Women and Obstetrics Diseases Medicine Biochemistry Public Health Biophysics Organ Functions Electrophysiology Psychology Biomechanics
    Department of physiotherapy for neurological diseases and surgeries and their theories
    Department of physical therapy for internal and elderly diseases, chest and heart surgery, chest diseases and intensive care
    Department of physical therapy for diseases and orthopedic surgery and its theories of injuries and fractures and medical clues
    Department of physical therapy for diseases and surgeries of children and delayed growth and disabilities
    Department of membranes for dermatology, burns, chronic wounds and plastic surgery
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Department of Biomechanics to study the analysis of movement by measurements and tests

physical therapy clinic guide

Physiotherapy Rehabilitation treatment Pain in Cairo, Egypt

Heat Therapy: This type of physiotherapy uses thermal treatments that increase the temperature of the biological tissue and cells to degrees ranging from 14 to 54 degrees Celsius or more. These methods are of two types: a type has a superficial effect, a type has a profound effect , Both of which reduce muscle strain in the case of muscle injury, as well as increase the blood pump in the area exposed to the heat, throwing pain causes away from the pain. As soon as the blood pump increases, it is accompanied by an increase in oxygen to those cells, as well as increased nutrition and increased efficiency, and raise the temperature of the nerve delivery speed, which increases the efficiency of the muscles that feed the nerve, and raise the vitality of the skin. These thermal devices help to treat lower back pain and joint pain. There are two other types of thermal therapy, depending on the type of thermal device used: Dry heat means include infrared and infrared radiation, and the other type is moist heat and includes thermal pillows, as well as therapeutic wax pads in treatment Clinic

Electro Physiotherapy: The physiology of the human body confirms that all human cells are electrically charged. Inside the cell there are negative charges and positive charges, and there is a balance between them. When this balance is broken, diseases occur and produce pain. This electrical stimulation of muscles and nerves strengthens various muscles such as Quadriceps muscle, and is used for rehabilitation after knee surgery and cruciate ligament removal surgery (the famous injury to football players), as well as cases of muscle strain. Electroencepsis is not used in patients with heart disease, especially those who have arrhythmias, patients with neurological convulsions, pregnant women, especially in the first three months of pregnancy, and patients with blood pressure disorders.

    Ultrasonic Physical Therapy: There are two types of effects of ultrasound, one of which is a thermal effect, the other is non-thermal. Its thermal effect is to increase the elasticity of the collagen fibers found in the biological tissue, increase blood pumping, Reduce muscle strain, help treat joint stiffness. The non-thermal effect of ultrasound treatment is: the killing of bacteria and viruses in the affected area, activation and repair of the cellular tissue, eliminates the scars caused by various wounds and various surgical procedures.
    Ultrasound can penetrate the infected area until it reaches the bones and is used to treat muscle ruptures and spinal injuries, increase metabolism in the affected area, activate the vital processes that help the treatment quickly, and are used frequently in sports medicine clinics, especially since they proved efficient High in the treatment of muscle dislocations experienced by athletes during the exercise of various sports, such as football, tennis, basket, plane and spear.
    Laser Therapy: The laser beam used in physiotherapy has special characteristics. It is a single wavelength, a type of helium neon. Laser works to increase the speed of healing wounds, and has an analgesic effect, but in cases of osteitis and arthritis, it is worthy of treatment of these chronic infections, and can be applied to the roots of nerves (nerve roots).

    Cryotherapy: Many people may think that snow is not important in treatment, but scientists have proven to be effective in treating many injuries and pain.

    The treatment of the snow immediately after the injury, and reduces the temperature of the affected area, and reduce the rapid flow of blood, which reduces the complications of the injury, and reduce the aggravation, and used by healers immediately to injury to treat the swelling caused by injury, and snow alleviates the pain Immediately after injury, reduces muscle tension.

physiotherapy clinic rehab in cairo egypt

عياده دكتور علاج طبيعي في ٦ اكتوبر لعلاج ألم الرقبه

عياده دكتور علاج طبيعي في ٦ اكتوبر لعلاج ألم الرقبه
عياده دكتور علاج طبيعي في ٦ اكتوبر

آلام الرقبة هي شكوى شائعة. تسبب الم في عضلات الرقبة بسبب الوضع الخاطئ - سواء كنت تميل على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك أو منضدة على طاولة عملك. هشاشة العظام هو أيضا سبب شائع لآلام الرقبة. نادرا ، يمكن أن يكون آلام الرقبة من أعراض مشكلة أكثر خطورة. ابحث عن رعاية طبية إذا كان ألم رقبتك مصحوبًا بالتنميل أو فقدان القوة في ذراعيك أو يديك أو إذا كنت تعاني من ألم في كتفك أو أسفل ذراعك. بعد ذللك عليك الذهاب الي عياده دكتور علاج طبيعي..


تشمل العلامات والأعراض:

     غالبًا ما يزداد الألم سوءًا عن طريق وضع رأسك في مكان واحد لفترات طويلة ، كما هو الحال عند القيادة أو العمل على جهاز كمبيوتر
شد عضلي وتشنجات
انخفاض القدرة على تحريك رأسك
صداع الراس

معظم آلام الرقبة تتحسن تدريجيا مع العلاج المنزلي. إذا لم يكن كذلك ، راجع طبيبك

اطلب الرعاية الفورية إذا كانت آلام الرقبة الشديدة ناتجة عن إصابة ، مثل حادث سيارة أو حادث سقوط.

اتصل بالطبيب إذا كانت آلام رقبتك:

     الم شديد
يستمر لعدة أيام دون راحة
ينتشر أسفل الذراعين أو الساقين
مصحوب بصداع أو تنميل أو ضعف أو وخز

Foot pain: Causes, symptom and Treated with Physiotherapy – now in Giza, Egypt

Pain of the Foot is a condition where the soles of the foot become painful and inflamed. This situation can show you if you are involved in activities involving running and jumping. There are other reasons as well, including foot deformities and shoes that are too tight or too loose. and treatment by physiotherapist.

Although the pain of the Foot is generally not serious, it may prevent normal activities. Home advice, such as ice and rest, can often relieve the symptoms of aching pain. Wear appropriate shoes with shock absorb or brace supports may prevent or reduce future problems in the case of muscular pain.

Symptoms of Foot pain can include:

  • Acute, painful, or burning pain in the foot - the foot part of the foot behind your toes.
  • Pain gets worse when you stand, walk, stretch your feet or walk - especially when you walk barefoot on a hard surface - and get better when you get some rest.
  • Acute or sudden pain, numbness, or numbness in your toes.
  • The sensation of having a pebble inside your shoes.

Causes of foot pain:

  • Activity or hard training. Runners are at risk of instep pain, because the foot introduction basically absorbs a great amount of pressure when running. But anyone who is involved in high-impact exercise is at risk of developing the disease, especially if the shoe is worn out or misplaced.
  • Certain feet. The high arch of the foot can impose excessive pressure on the instep. Therefore, the presence of a second finger longer than the big finger can cause a larger than normal load to the second comb head.
  • Foot abnormalities. Wear very small or high-heeled shoes may distort the shape of the foot. The flexion of one of the fingers downwards (the toe of the hammer), swelling of the big finger and injury with painful protrusions at the bottom (and capes) to the pain of the instep.
  • Overweight. Because most body weight moves to the front of the foot when moving, more weight means more pregnancy on the instep. Weight loss may relieve or remove the pain of the instep.
  • Shoes with inappropriate sizes. High heels, which carry more weight to the front of the foot, are a common cause of the pain of the instep in women. Narrow shoes from the front or sports shoes that lack the appropriate stent or lining can contribute to the problems of the instep pain.
  • Stress fractures. Small fractures in the bones of your instep or fingers can be painful, making you change the way you put your foot on.

Treatment of Knee pain with Physiotherapy – now in Giza, Egypt

Knee pain is a common complaint for people of all ages. Knee pain may result from injury, such as rupture of a ligament or cartilage. There are also some pathological conditions - such as arthritis and inflammation - that can cause knee pain. and can be treatment with physiotherapist

Many minor knee pain cases respond well to self-care procedures. Physical therapy and the use of knee pads can also help ease knee pain. However, knee pain may in some cases require surgical repair.



The location and severity of knee pain may vary, depending on the cause of the problem. Signs and symptoms associated with knee pain may include:

  • Swelling
  • Redness and feeling of heat when you touch
  • Instability
  • Inability to completely straighten the knee


A knee injury can affect any ligaments, tendons or sacs that surround the knee joint as well as the bones, cartilages and ligaments that form the joint itself. Some of the most common knee injuries include:

  • ACL injury. - one of the four ligaments that connects the bone of the tibia and the femur. ACL is a common injury in people who play basketball, football or other sports that require sudden changes in direction.
  • Fractures. Knee bones, including the top of the knee (patella), can be broken during a car crash or fall. People with osteoporosis due to osteoporosis can sometimes break a knee simply by walking incorrectly.
  • Cystitis in the knee. Some knee injuries lead to inflammation of the sores, small bags of fluid acting as a cushion on the outside of the knee joint so that tendons and ligaments slide smoothly on the joint.
  • Arthritis of the Knee. Tendonitis is inflammation, irritation and inflammation of one or more tendons, the thick fibrous tissue that binds the muscle to the bone. Runners, skiers, cyclists and other participants in jumping sports and activities are susceptible to rotary tendonitis, which connects the quadriceps muscles in the front of the thigh to the large calves.
Physiotherapy knee pain in egypt
Physiotherapy knee pain in giza

دكتور ابر صينيه لعلاج الالام الظهر في مصر

يمكن أن يحدث ألم المفاصل بسبب إصابة تؤثر على أي من الأربطة أو الأوتار المحيطة بالمفصل. يمكن أن تؤثر الإصابة أيضًا على الأربطة والغضاريف والعظام داخل المفصل. الألم هو أيضا سمة من سمات التهاب المفاصل (التهاب المفاصل ، مثل التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي وهشاشة العظام) والعدوى ، ونادرا ما يمكن أن يكون سببا لسرطان المفصل. الألم داخل المفصل هو سبب شائع لألم الكتف وألم في الكاحل وألم في الركبة.

يمكن أن تؤدي العديد من الحالات المختلفة إلى مفاصل مؤلمة ، مثل التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي والتهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي  والنقرس والسلالات والالتواء والإصابات الأخرى. ألم المفاصل شائع للغاية. ألم الركبة هو الشكوى الأكثر شيوعًا ، تليها ألم الكتف والورك ، لكن ألم المفاصل يمكن أن يؤثر على أي جزء من جسمك ، بدءًا من كاحليك وقدميك إلى كتفيك ويديك. كلما تقدمت في العمر ، أصبحت المفاصل المؤلمة أكثر شيوعًا.

يمكن أن تتراوح آلام المفاصل من الالام البسيطه الي الالام حاده. قد تختفي بعد عدة أسابيع (حادة) ، أو قد تستمر لعدة أسابيع أو أشهر (مزمنة). حتى الألم على المدى القصير والتورم في المفاصل يمكن أن يؤثر على نوعية حياتك. أيا كان سبب آلام المفاصل ، يمكنك عادة علاجه بالأدوية أو العلاج الطبيعي أو العلاجات البديلة.

Low Back pain treatment With Physiotherapist | Now in 6 October, Egypt

Pain in the lower back, or above, has become common in modern times. Back pain may be caused by various causes, such as joint weakness, degenerative changes in the joints of the joints, disc disease, diseases of the rib cage or abdomen, or pain from a mechanical source. treatment by physiotherapist in 6 october clinic

The examination can see restrictions on the movements of the spine, but it is difficult to detect signs of radical stimulation (nerve root) or signs of neurological dysfunction, or even indications of the presence of supra-articular joints.

Causes and risk factors of back pain

  • Mechanical pain is caused by excessive pressure on muscles and joints in the lumbar vertebrae or dorsal vertebrae.
  • This kind of pain distinguishes people who are forced by the nature of their work to sit for long periods, especially in front of the computer or physical work that requires bending.
  • People with balance problems or people with problems in the spine (scoliosis, or kyphosis, for various reasons) also suffer from this pain. This back appears above the back muscles and worsens during movement.

Acupuncture Doctor in Twin Towers for Pain Management in Egypt

Chinese acupuncture is a method of ancient Chinese medicine, which is based on insertion of several needles too thin in the skin of the patient in several areas or by the disease, and is a complementary medical procedure (complementary medicine).

As it is radically different from the various methods used in medicine The traditional basis of Chinese acupuncture is based on the belief that energy in the body travels through channels, which are called the meridians.

They believe that the loss of this energy To the occurrence of diseases and that Acupuncture is the one that recovers the flow of this energy which helps in the treatment and wellness, this method is used to treat many diseases.


Acupuncture is effective treatment for pain and you can feel better in same session

عيادة دكتور الابر الصينية في الجيزه في مصر

بدأ الوخز بالإبر في الصين منذ أكثر من 2500 عام. أنه ينطوي على إدخال الإبر رقيقة في بعض النقاط على الجسم. وفقا للطب الصيني التقليدي ، فإن الجسم لديه أكثر من 2000 من هذه النقاط. يتم ربطها بواسطة مسارات أو خطوط طول ، مما يخلق تدفقًا للطاقة يسمى Qi (يُشار إليه بـ “QI”). ويقال إن تحفيز هذه النقاط لتصحيح الخلل في تشي وتحسين تدفق الطاقة. يعتقد الممارسون أن هذا يساعد على تخفيف الألم وتحسين الصحة.

تأتي من تحفيز الجهاز العصبي المركزي. قد يؤدي هذا إلى إطلاق المواد الكيميائية في العضلات والحبل الشوكي والدماغ. هذه المواد الكيميائية إما تغير تجربة الألم أو تنتج تغييرات جسدية تعزز الشعور بالراحة.

     الوخز بالإبر يعمل من خلا: تسريع تتابع الإشارات الكهرومغناطيسية. قد يبدأ هذا في تدفق الطاقه التي تسبب الألم مثل الاندورفين. أو قد تطلق خلايا الجهاز المناعي في الجسم
التسبب في إطلاق المواد الأفيونية الطبيعية. هذه هي المواد  في الدماغ التي قد تقلل من الألم أو تعزز النوم
تحفيز افراز الدماغ عن طريق تغيير إطلاق الناقلات العصبية والهرمونات العصبية. تقوم الناقلات العصبية إما بتحفيز أو تخفيف النبضات العصبية. يمكن أن تؤثر الهرمونات العصبية على وظيفة أو نشاط العضو في الجسم