Low back pain (lumbago) is generally a mixture of symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders or of lumbar spine disorders (lower back vertebrae). Be clinically either acute or chronic. Its symptoms usually lower back pain shows a major development within two or three months of its onset. physiotherapist is best treatment.
In a large number of individuals, low back pain tends to be repeated with varying quality. And a small proportion of those who suffer from them become chronic. Studies show that back pain affects most adults at some point in their lives and accounts for more sick leave.
Lower back pain may result from a severe lower back injury as a result of an accident, such as a car accident or a sudden fall occurs and its victims are usually able to determine exactly when it happened. In acute cases, the infection is likely to be in soft tissues such as disks between vertebrae, muscles, and tendon ligaments.
Lower back pain is generally a combination of symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders or of lumbar spine disorders (lower back vertebrae).
Be clinically either acute or chronic.
During pregnancy 50-70% of pregnant women suffer from low back pain. When the pregnancy period progresses, due to increased fetal weight. Elevated hormones during pregnancy also lengthen ligaments in the pelvis and relax the joints. This change may affect the back-up support.
Its symptoms usually lower back pain shows a major development within two or three months of its onset.
In a large number of individuals, low back pain tends to be repeated with varying quality. And a small proportion of those who suffer from them become chronic.
Studies show that back pain affects most adults at some point in their lives and accounts for more sick leave and disability than any other medical condition.
May result from a severe injury to the lower back as a result of an accident, such as a car accident or fall occurs suddenly and its victims are usually able to determine exactly when it happened.
In acute cases, the infection is likely to be in soft tissues such as disks between vertebrae, muscles, and tendon ligaments.
Beside accidents may result from osteoarthritis or other causes of poor vertebral bone, or also fractures of the lower back spine.
At the bottom of the spine, some patients suffer from colic pain.
Others are from the sacroiliac joint pain.
Chronic lower back pain usually has an unspecified onset, occurring over a long period of time.