You may have some fear of acupuncture and what you expect during your visit. Here's a description of what you will do during your first visit and then answer some of the most common questions.
You can choose to complete patient register information before you arrive at the clinic. As soon as you arrive at the clinic, Zen Adviser will confirm your personal contact information, check the attendance of your session, and complete the forms "patient history " If you have not already done so, and ask you to watch a brief video about acupuncture in modern acupuncture. . Afterwards, Zen Adviser will prepare you for Zen Den and guide you to the relaxation station, where you will sit in a lounge-style chair and start relaxing.
Your Licensed Acupuncture specialist will discuss your health concerns, brief you on the acupuncture session and provide treatment.
After the session, the Licensed Acupuncture specialist will answer your questions, provide you with a treatment plan and accompany you outside Zen Den to Zen Adviser. Zen Adviser will collect any required payments and discuss the most affordable way to follow your treatment plan.