How to Find Acupuncture Clinic in Cairo, Egypt
How to Find Acupuncture Clinic in Cairo, Egypt
Chinese needles will be used for more than a thousand years to prevent and treat many diseases and health problems, especially in the treatment of overweight, but they treat other common diseases such as cold and flu, which affect many people during this period of the year.
In addition to what has been mentioned, the Chinese acupuncture benefits in:
1. Improve digestion, where Chinese needles help in digestion and bowel movement.
2. Contribute to the treatment of migraine and nervous pressure, as people who are treated with Chinese acupuncture headaches much less than those who receive traditional treatments.
3. The fight against the effects of aging skin, as Chinese acupuncture contributes to the production of collagen in the skin, and helps to lift the eyelids and get rid of swelling under the eyes.
4. The treatment of colds, sore throat, cold and flu symptoms, which led to the use of Chinese needles as an alternative medicine to many people.
If you are already a user in circle 5 clinic, you can search for a(n) Acupuncturist doctor and book an appointment over the internet in less than a minute. Same day appointments usually are available, you can search the available days and hours and book the appointment instantly.
We sees and treats patient for a wide range of conditions and diagnoses. Average time 30 - 45 minutes.
By call our clinic at (+2) 01111222018 .
Circle 5 Clinic Address
Twin Towers,
Sheikh Zayed, Giza Governorate - Egypt
6th Floor - Clinic M
Phone Number
Email Address
Circle 5 Clinic
Twin Towers,
Sheikh Zayed, Giza Governorate – Egypt
6th Floor – Clinic M
Phone Number
Email Address