Sheikh Zayed
الشيخ زايد - توين تاورز - مبني سي - الدور السادس - عياده م
N 90th street - New Cairo
التجمع الخامس - تريفيوم بيزنس - الدور الثاني - عياده 211

Dr. Ahmed Reda Chiropractic

Physical Therapy

Acupuncture and Dry Needling


Example LIst of Common Diseases

Neck - Back pain
آلام أسفل الظهر والرقبه
Tennis elbow
ألم مفصل الكوع
Planter Fasciitis -Spurs
ألتهابات القدم والشوكه العظميه
ألتهاب الأوتار
Ankle Sprain
التواء الكاحل
Knee injury
خشونه الركبه
Spinal cord injury
اصابات عمود الفقري والانزلاق الغضروفي
Shoulder injuries
اصابات مفصل الكتف

Why our Clinic ?

Personalized Treatment
You will receive a full individualized treatment
Comfortable Clinic
Our clinic feels like a comfortable health & fitness center
Licensed Therapists
Your treatment will be performed by only licensed therapists
Practitioners Network
We will work closely with all your health practitioners
Experience Staff
Our therapists are trained and certified in therapy technique
Therapy Goals
Setting goals is the best way to enjoy a successful outcome

DR Ahmed Reda

Professionals Physiotherapist

Our team of highly trained professionals uses the latest healing technologies to restore you to pain-free health, quickly and easily. We thoroughly evaluate & treat all of the contributing root factors related to your issue. This includes, but is not limited to, your work and home stressors, overall body condition, nutrition, genetic & postural habits, emotional connections and patterns that are held in your muscles


No matter whether your condition was caused by a sport, work accident or otherwise, we welcome the chance to serve you.